Fill Selection With BG Color (Backspace): Press the Backspace button of the keyboard if you want to fill your selected object with the background color of color box.Delete Everything (Del): If you want to erase everything from current layers, then select everything and press the Delete button on the keyboard.Invert Color (Ctrl +I): For inverting color of your selected layer or object, you can press Ctrl + I button after the selection of that object or layer and the color of that layer will change into the opposite color on color wheel.Set Zoom (1/2/3): If you want to set the zoom to the original size of your Canvas which is 100% size, then press 1 (numeric key of the keyboard), for fitting zoom to page size, press 2 and for fitting zoom according to page width press 3.Zoom In/Out (+/-): Press + key of a keyboard for Zoom In and – key of a keyboard for Zoom Out.Rotate Canvas (4/5/6): For rotating canvas 15 degrees left, press 4 (numeric key of a keyboard), rotating canvas 15 degrees right, press 6 and for resetting canvas rotation, press 5.Horizontal Mirror Tool (M): If you want to use a mirror tool for mirroring any object, then just select that object and press the M button on the keyboard.

Set Eraser Mode (E): You can set eraser mode for erasing any element or component of your art work, and for that, you can press the E button on the keyboard.Switch Between FG to BG color (X): If you want to switch between the foreground color and background color, then you can press the X button on the keyboard.Default Foreground/Background Color (D): For the default foreground color, which is the black color or for the default background color, which is the white color, you can press the D button of the keyboard.3D animation, modelling, simulation, game development & others